Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

List of Brian McClellan Books in Order

Brian McClellan’s series of books offer a thorough exploration into a meticulously crafted world where political intrigue, magic, and war intersect to create a gripping narrative tapestry. With each installment, McClellan’s skillful storytelling and rich character development draw readers into a complex and immersive universe that continues to expand with each new release. From the explosive events in the Powder Mage trilogy to the latest developments in the Gods of Blood and Powder series, the order of Brian McClellan’s books promises a journey filled with twists and turns that will leave readers excited to uncover what lies ahead in this enthralling literary landscape.

Publication Order of Powder Mage Books

Promise of Blood(2013)Amazon
The Girl of Hrusch Avenue(2013)Amazon
Hope’s End(2013)Amazon
The Crimson Campaign(2014)Amazon
Servant of the Crown(2014)Amazon
Murder at the Kinnen Hotel(2014)Amazon
Return to Honor(2015)Amazon
The Autumn Republic(2015)Amazon
Ghosts of the Tristan Basin(2016)Amazon
The Mad Lancers(2017)Amazon
Siege of Tilpur(2018)Amazon

Chronological Order of Powder Mage Books

Servant of the Crown(2014)Amazon
Murder at the Kinnen Hotel(2014)Amazon
Hope’s End(2013)Amazon
The Girl of Hrusch Avenue(2013)Amazon
Promise of Blood(2013)Amazon
Return to Honor(2015)Amazon
The Crimson Campaign(2014)Amazon
The Autumn Republic(2015)Amazon
Ghosts of the Tristan Basin(2016)Amazon
The Mad Lancers(2017)Amazon
Siege of Tilpur(2018)Amazon

Publication Order of Powder Mage Collections

In the Field Marshal’s Shadow(2015)Amazon

Publication Order of Glass Immortals Books

In the Shadow of Lightning(2022)Amazon

Publication Order of Gods of Blood and Powder Books

Sins of Empire(2017)Amazon
Wrath of Empire(2018)Amazon
Blood of Empire(2019)Amazon

Publication Order of War Cry Books

War Cry(2018)Amazon

Publication Order of Valkyrie Collections Books

Uncanny Collateral(2019)Amazon
Blood Tally(2020)Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies


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In unraveling the intricacies of Brian McClellan’s novels, delving into the synopsis offers a gateway to understanding the depth and complexity of the narratives portrayed across his works. McClellan’s adept handling of character development is evident throughout his books, as protagonists evolve in response to the challenges they face. The interplay between characters and their growth adds layers of depth to the overall plot, enriching the reading experience. Additionally, McClellan’s masterful use of plot twists keeps readers engaged and on the edge of their seats, as unexpected developments unfold, subverting traditional narrative expectations. These twists serve not just as surprises but also as tools to further explore the motivations and inner workings of the characters, creating a tapestry of intrigue that captivates audiences.

Review Summary

Analyzing the critical reception of Brian McClellan’s works provides valuable insights into the impact and significance of his storytelling prowess. McClellan’s novels are often praised for their intricate character development, with readers lauding the depth and growth of the protagonists throughout the series. The plot twists in McClellan’s books are frequently highlighted as major strengths, keeping readers engaged and surprised by the narrative direction. Additionally, McClellan’s meticulous world-building has been commended for its richness and detail, immersing readers in vibrant and complex settings. The pacing of McClellan’s stories is another aspect that garners positive reviews, with many noting the perfect balance between action-packed sequences and quieter, character-driven moments. Overall, critical reviews often emphasize McClellan’s adeptness at crafting compelling narratives that excel in character development, plot twists, world building, and pacing.

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